
Exhale Academic Writing Retreats focus on coaching, consulting, training through webinars and workshops.

Retreats are tailored to the needs of your organization and include guided writing sprints—with movement breaks—as well as guided visioning and in-depth workshops.

Racial Gaslighting Webinar Series

Defined as “the political, social, economic and cultural process that perpetuates and normalizes a white supremacist reality through pathologizing those who resist,” the Racial Gaslighting Webinar Series guides attendees as they learn to identify racial gaslighting making invisible racism visible.

In this three part webinar, you will learn more about racial gaslighting and how to recognize and respond to it. Finally you will be empowered to stop racial gaslighting in your communities, professional circles, and social settings.

Angelique M. Davis is a coach and certified workshop facilitator for the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD).

NCFDD is a leader in providing career development and mentoring services to universities and their faculty, postdocs, and graduate students through its three offerings: Faculty Programs, Membership, and Workshops.

Join professor, attorney, consultant, and coach Angelique M. Davis, JD, at the workshop Strategic Planning and Time Management for Lawyers: Aligning Your Time with Your Priorities. This workshop will teach lawyers how to create annual and quarterly strategic plans and time management techniques to manage their law practice and personal goals in a sustainable way that aligns with their personal and professional priorities.

CLE Credits: 4.5 WSBA-Other